Thursday, 15 September 2016

What is Innovation:

To me an innovative idea is an idea that can solve problems interestingly and with lesser workload. We were told to find 2 innovative inventions per group member and post it on our blog, and here's mine:

1) Laser Scissors/Microbeams:
Invented by Marcel Bessis and a team of scientist in Paris in 1962.
The Laser Scissors cuts straight every time with its unique built-in laser guidance.
I think this product is very innovative as it nullified the need to use a ruler to mark out a straight line before cutting things that we want to cut straight.
I think the only downside to this product is that the laser that comes with it may prove dangerous to children as the light may harm their eyes.

2) Trash Cans where we can slam dunk our trashs:
It was first thought of by Angela Sullivan and three fellow interns at the advertising agency of Cramer-Krasselt to partner with the Chicago Park District and devise a plan to prevent litter at the beach for their summer project which received massive attention from the public and others too started such campaigns.
I think this idea though simple, is innovative as with the addition of a basketball hoop on top of a trashcan, people, especially rebellious teenagers would be "attracted" to unknowingly throw away their trash the right way thinking they're just having fun.. But it is in fact a success in causing less harm to the environment.

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